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Brought to you by Curtis Wilbur and Canis Latrans Productions

Home of the Inferno Earth Series Novels and the Coyoteman Chronicles

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An Environmental Disaster of Immeasurable Proportion

On Earth, the environmental destruction bill came due. In the space of two decades, the polar icecaps melted, temperatures rose, and carbon dioxide levels climbed into toxic levels. In that short time, the North American Consortium, in concert with other governments, designed and built functioning lunar colonies, dome cities, and interstellar ships to give humans a fighting chance. These are their stories. On the inferno that now enveloped Earth, the habitable zone stabilized above 10,000 feet. A whole new class of human diviners came into being who studied the patterns of rising and falling strata of air. These people could with some level of confidence be relied upon to foretell when certain areas would be safe or dangerous to traverse. In the Andes, these artisans were given the name ‘Aerofaunts,' and in Colorado, they were called Tidemasters. The atmospheric sprites they tried to predict, or harness were called ‘AirTides.' 

Five hundred years pass, and a group of highly qualified individuals from the dying world, put into suspended sleep, awaken to assess the world and offer help to the survivors. Their stories, the sleepers and the survivors, are found in Tides of Air.

On the Moon, the colonies were successful and long-enduring, but a botched experiment filling the LaGrange Points with lunar dust required the hasty abandonment of several colonies and the assumption that these facilities were lost. In Far Side Rules, follow the journey of a young teen and his adopted dog from Station Tsiolkovsky to the lunar nearside, which ultimately reunites the colonies once more.

Meanwhile, in Tears of Eridanus, the crew of Starship Eritrea rendezvous with a new world they named Sibelius. Following plans that were nearly lost in the disastrous sea rise, several starships were hurriedly constructed to send people and other Earth life to known habitable worlds. Follow the enigmatic Kamron Foxx as he evolves from from young intern in post-apocalypse Canada, through an interstellar voyage aboard the starship Eritrea, to worshipped and reviled demigod of the people of Sibelius.


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Coming Soon!! Sea of Green

The sequel to Tides of Air

Watch this space for further developments!!

Coyoteman Chronicles


The Las Vegas Rite story begins 18 years since the world fell apart. Without the apparatus of civilization to protect and support them, most people died. Sickness and starvation claimed many. Many more died at each other's hands. Whole cities died, as their means of sustenance evaporated. In California, as in other western states, all vestiges of centralized government disappeared. Survival required strength, resourcefulness, or invisibility. Yet somehow, Taine Doolittle survived and thrived with his parents in an isolated Sierra valley. Taine also acquired an imaginary friend, Coyoteman, who teaches philosophy, introspection, and paths to wisdom. Now twenty, Taine sets off on a journey to end his loneliness. His rite of passage takes him to the City-State of Las Vegas, a place of miracles, love, and danger. But not everything is like it seems. Coyoteman himself turns out to be anything but imaginary. His visions bring depth to Taine's adventures tracing back to the dawn of civilization, and some of Coyoteman's battle scars predate humanity itself. Can Taine survive so close to the fire of immortality? Coyoteman has all the time in the world, but time is something that Taine has precious little of. And Coyoteman is not the only one of his kind. There are others, most of whom look upon humans as a crop to be harvested.

In Descent to Avalon, shortly after being welcomed into the thriving Morongo Valley Indian tribe, Taine and Joanne, his partner in adventure find themselves on a search for some missing young braves in the ruins of post-Change Los Angeles. The City of Angels is a dangerous place, and barely a day passes before the two adventurers become separated. Taine is captured by religious fanatics, while Joanne is running for her life through the burned-out city. She finds safe haven in the home of Darth Shadi, scientist, and friend of the enigmatic Coyoteman. With Coyoteman's reluctant help, Joanne and Darth puzzle out a rescue plan for Taine. But in the hands of the powerful Uncle Christ, Taine begins a course of brainwashing that could ultimately turn him against his old benefactor, Coyoteman.

With Fallow Fields of Wisdom, the past catches up to Taine and Joanne in this the final chapter in the Coyoteman Chronicles. As the two young immortals adjust to their new powers, Taine fights the alternate personality created in him by the Cynamid "Uncle Christ." Joanne does her best to help, but is battling her own demons from her abusive childhood as well. As their relationship with Coyoteman sours, the demigod goes off to look for other adventures, and finds them. A panorama of new western history unfolds as the drama between Coyoteman and his two apprentices comes to an explosive conclusion you won't want to miss.

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